GTG Industries Pty Ltd T/AS Skola is pleased to announce that we are a preferred supplier to the Department of Education for the Provision of School Uniforms and Representative Sports Uniforms and Accessories – DETSOA 78764.
The Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA) DETSOA 78764 covers all schools within Queensland including State, Non-State (including Catholic Education and Independent Schools) and TAFE institutions.
The SOA was granted to us after a lengthy process, that assessed our business on service standards, production capability, quality, business background and much more.
Benefits of using an SOA supplier
- Pre-negotiated discounts / pricing structures;
- SOAs are proactively managed by designated Department of Education Procurement Services Branch staff: and
- SOAs are governed by the Department of Education Terms and Conditions to protect the buyer
Please contact us to speak to an Account Manager to further discuss your uniform requirements.